Not only is a garden clearance exciting for us, it also allows us to showcase just how good we are and how our experienced teams can redesign your garden through the pruning and replanting of your plants, shrubs and small trees.

Your gardener is only as good as his vision.
At Master Gardens we are always aiming to improve your space.

If your garden is overgrown and needs a clearance, we are able to prune all plants correctly whilst adding structure to your flower beds. We will use our industry knowledge to lift, reduce and cut back shrubs and perennials to add shape and interest to your garden.

  • We will add structure and enhance planting to ensure your outside space is tidy and functional.
  • Once all pruning has taken place we will ensure to feed all shrubs and plants, allowing them to grow back and flower effectively.
  • We will treat all hard standings with a professional weedkiller to keep your garden looking fantastic for as long as possible.
  • Our experience and vision is coupled with the use of the very latest professional tools and products to provide a high quality finish to your garden.

We are licensed waste carriers and will remove all green waste from your garden, disposing of it at an economical recycling center where it is efficiently recycled turned back into compost.

Let's Grow Together

We offer a wide range of residential services and tailor each quotation to your needs and budget. To find out more about how we can help you please call or email us today.

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